"JMJ Maternity Homes encourages the freedom of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every unborn child to have a chance at life."
The experienced and dedicated staff of JMJ Maternity Homes is headed by a director, Case Manager, and Resident House Manager. Volunteers assist them. The members of the Board of Directors share a reverence for life and a commitment to ensure JMJ Maternity Homes achieves its full potential.
JMJ Maternity Homes provides compassionate and encouraging care to pregnant homeless women facing challenging circumstances both during and after pregnancy, serving as an affirming life alternative to abortion. We are a faith-based group that supports and encourages religious social teachings about family planning and the dignity of life. We create a dignified living environment where safety and well-being are upheld.
Our Vision
Our Vision
- To assist women in leading healthy, happy, and productive lives, grounded in a deep sense of personal worth.
- Work with families and the community to encourage a caring, respectful, compassionate environment.
- To be a light in the world, reflecting God’s love and compassion.