JMJ Maternity Homes, a Catholic faith-based 501(c)3, has been a haven for homeless pregnant women since 2007, helping over 400 women and their children. Our mission began with our first home, named Mary's Mantle, which was provided by the Marsh family, who were inspired by their love of Christ to assist pregnant women in very difficult and stressful situations. In June 2009, we moved to our current location in Atwater. This home was generously provided to us rent-free by the Catholic Diocese of Fresno. This larger home was then named JMJ Maternity Homes, allowing us to provide shelter for up to eight women and their children. We believe in the sanctity of the human person and the dignity of all human life, and we are guided by and adhere to the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Church. While acting in accordance with Catholic religious identity, we respect the religious beliefs of all individual clients, staff, volunteers, and board members.
Many volunteers, including alumni, provide program services, transportation, and day and overnight assistance. A dedicated staff of volunteers collects and organizes all the material donations we receive from the community. By volunteering in our donation closet, "Martha's Closet, residents receive donated items of maternity and baby clothing, bassinets, cribs, diapers, bed and bath supplies, furniture, and other household items they may need when transitioning to independent living.
Case managment and support before and after pregnancy
We provide each resident with essential case management services. Mental health, domestic abuse/sexual assault, and substance abuse assessments are included in all initial placement interviews, and referrals are made when appropriate. On a case-by-case basis, we accept pregnant mothers with additional young children. We work with social service agencies to facilitate the reunification, when appropriate, of mothers with their children who may be temporarily in the custody of a foster family. Many mothers have been successfully reunited with their children. Fathers may be involved if it is conducive to the welfare of the mother and child.
Our resident financial accountabilityprogram requires transparency with all income sources. Residents learn to budget and contribute 1/3 of their income to program fees, 1/3 to personal savings, and 1/3 to personal needs. All residents are entered into the Homeless Management Information System, which opens referral opportunities after they give birth for transition into secure housing and more independent living.